gifts · knitting

I Don’t Give Up. I Just Wait 14 Years to Finish.

Well over 5000 days ago, in March of 2009, I started knitting a pair of baby booties. I even blogged about it.

By May of that year, I had knit the sole, the top, and 1 petal. But I couldn’t figure out the side petals. I think the pattern wanted me to pick up more stitches than there were, and I didn’t know how to handle that. So the booties languished.

Fast forward 14 years, and I need to make something for a baby shower. I perused some pattern and my stash, but I decided to just finish up this very long WIP. After all, I am older and wiser, so I should be able to figure out something that vexed me when I was 17/18.

There were, in fact, fewer stitches available then the pattern called for picking up. I just picked up what I could and increased the next row. Easy peasy. It took me less than a week to finish it and make then second booty.

I realized after I wove in ends, that the back petal of the first slipper has 5 eyelets instead of 4. I didn’t want to reknit it after weaving in ends so I just decided to let it be.

What’s the longest you’ve ever let a project languish before you finally finished it? Was it easier when you finally got around to it?

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