fabric · gifts · sewing

Baby Bib

This must be the year of babies. I’ve been to three baby showers already and there’s another one planned for later in the year. For the first two babies, I made gray and pinkish purple baby booties.

But I wasn’t really in a baby bootie making mood shortly before the third one. I perused the internet to find sewing ideas and saw this cute little bib.

I don’t have a printer so I didn’t print the pattern, I just kinda eyeballed it.

I used leftover flannel from some hedgehog pajamas I made for Mama. It is awfully cute, but I’m a bit worried the neck hole isn’t big enough. I figured I’d still give it away, and if it is too small, then when the baby gets bigger, she can use the bib for one of her dolls. Or, as someone else told me, the new mom can use it as a burp cloth if it is too big as a bib. Either way, it is still pretty cute.

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