knitting · Yarn

The Pink Poncho

I started this poncho so long ago I couldn’t even remember when I started it. In 2021 or 2022. Then I remembered to look in my knitting journal. May of 2021.

I knit a 3 inch wide garter stitch length until it was long enough to wrap around my arms and torso. Then I picked up stitches and kept knitting. My goal was to decrease like a round yoke sweater, but it ended up not looking so good and I tried to do some short rows to raise the neck and that made it look worse so it sat in time out for a long time.

Then I knit my Olivia Vertigo sweater and I decided to use the same pattern for the poncho only garter stitch and joined together with no sleeves. So really, after restarting it, it only took from Veteran’s Day weekend until Groundhog Day. It’s not often I get to judge the timing of my knitting by holidays but there you go.

clothes · phone free hour · quilting · sewing

Quilt Block Sweatshirt

I used this tutorial to make a sweatshirt! I like how it turned out.

I cut the hexagons using a template I got at an estate sale.

I sewed them together by hand then hemmed the edge then folded it over and hemmed it again lest it unravel later.

I quilted it using 2 strands of pink embroidery thread. I think the pink makes it stand out a bit more.

Tios for quilting it: start in the center and work your way out.

cross stitch · gifts

Elk Cross Stitch

Not much to say, just a cute elk and tree cross stitch.

I started this in the summer and the elk was pretty easy to make, but I stalled out on the trees.

I used this pattern for the elk and I kinda sorta used it for the trees too but not really.

The cross stitch fabric scrap I had was not exactly big enough to go in that hoop (which came from an estate sale) so I use spray basting to glue it to some canvas and then it fit in the hoop pretty well.

knitting · phone free hour · Yarn · Yarn Club

Yarn Club 2

February’s yarn club is some red yarn I got on clearance at the needle tree a while back. My first thought was a hat. Then I wanted Flip top mitts for myself. But I think this yarn isn’t sturdy enough for mittens so a hat it is. I’ll only worknon it during my phone free hours. I can finish up on other projects for TV knitting.

I finished January’s yarn club but I am waiting on getting good pictures before I post about it.

Since I finished the first yarn club early, I moved the second one up 2 weeks. I could have moved it up 3 weeks, but I decided to take a week to wrap up some other projects. But it was tough waiting.

The book in this yarn club bag is a sequel to the little house books.

I’ll save the other yarn in the picture for a future yarn club.